M&A Assistance

For those who want to be in an advantageous position, our M&A services offer confidential professional support. We go beyond transactional support, helping Clients identify potential targets and opportunities for M&A. The result for you is the ability to complete M&A deals with confidence, backed by strategic guidance, and the capability to identify profitable opportunities.

  • Challenge 1: Limited Visibility and Network
  • The Client lacks visibility in the market and a robust network to identify potential buyers for their business during the sell-side M&A process.

  • Solution: Extensive Market Research and Target Identification
  • Conduct thorough market research to identify potential buyers, analyzing market trends and key players. Leverage Mulsan' extensive network to connect with potential acquirers, ensuring a broad outreach to strategic and financially sound buyers.

  • Challenge 2: Valuation Uncertainty
  • The Client is uncertain about the accurate valuation of their business, hindering their ability to negotiate favorable terms during the sell-side M&A process.

  • Solution: Comprehensive Business Valuation
  • Employ a comprehensive business valuation methodology that takes into account financial performance, industry benchmarks, and future growth prospects. We provide the Client with a clear and transparent valuation report, empowering them with the knowledge needed to negotiate confidently with potential buyers.

  • Challenge 3: Uncertainty in Investment Decision-Making
  • Navigating the complexities of M&A deals introduces uncertainty in decision-making for the Client. Without expert guidance, the Client may struggle to make informed decisions.

  • Solution: Mulsan' Expert Guidance for Confident Deals
  • Mulsan steps in as a trusted partner, offering expert guidance throughout the M&A process. Our seasoned professionals provide strategic insights, ensuring that Clients can approach M&A transactions with confidence.

Why us?
  • Company’s Current Status Assessment - Client analysis, stakeholder analysis, Client business model analysis.
  • Market and Competitors Analysis - Market analysis, competitors analysis, benchmarking analysis.
  • Model Drafting - Operational model, financial projections, model analysis.
  • Valuation Analysis - Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), earnings multipliers.
  • Investment Summary - Investment teaser, equity story.
  • Model Drafting - Operational model, financial projections, model analysis.
  • Preparation - Preparation of the teaser (short pitch summary), preparation of the NDA for interested buyers.
  • Outreach - A pipeline of potential buyers, contact potential buyers, preparation of additional materials necessary for buyers.
  • Full Cycle Deal (Optional) - Negotiating with buyers, preparing additional materials during buyers requests, bringing negotiations to a completed transaction.