Due Diligence

Unlock the potential of future-defining blockchain investments. For companies seeking to strategically allocate their resources, our comprehensive analysis of investment opportunities ensures you identify the most promising targets. With our Due Diligence service access to the latest market research and insights on emerging verticals, you can confidently allocate your funds to blockchain companies that may shape the future. Partner with us to navigate the complex landscape of blockchain companies, backed by thorough Due Diligence, and make strategic decisions that define success.

  • Challenge 1: Lack of experience in the field
  • Conducting comprehensive Due Diligence requires specialized skills and experience, which can be a significant challenge for businesses. This service is typically provided by external companies that offer a helicopter view, an unbiased attitude, and no conflict of interest.

  • Solution: Comprehensive Due Diligence
  • Mulsan team addresses this challenge by offering thorough Due Diligence services that include detailed analyses of investment opportunities. This involves assessing financial health, market positioning, growth potential, and associated risk factors for each potential target. Through conducting in-depth Due Diligence, clients gain a comprehensive understanding of each opportunity, enabling more informed investment decisions.

  • Challenge 2: Limited access to market research
  • The client faces challenges in obtaining real-time market research and insights into emerging verticals, which hampers their ability to stay abreast of industry trends and identify high-potential sectors.

  • Solution: Up-to-date Market Research
  • Our team addresses this challenge by offering ongoing market research services. We keep clients updated with the latest trends, market dynamics, and emerging verticals within the blockchain industry. Providing timely and relevant information enables clients to make strategic decisions based on a current understanding of the market landscape.

Why us?
  • Company’s Current Status Assessment - Client analysis, stakeholder analysis, Client business model analysis.
  • Market and Competitors Analysis - Market analysis, competitors analysis, benchmarking analysis.
  • Model Drafting - Operational model, financial projections, model analysis.
  • Valuation Analysis - Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), company comparable analysis (CCA).
  • Investment Summary - Investment teaser, management presentation.