Investor Relations

Fostering Web3 bonds: building and maintaining strong Investor Relationships with Mulsan. Our Investor Relations (IR) services empower Web3 projects to establish transparent communication channels, building trust and increasing the likelihood of securing your next funding round. Let us handle the complexities while you focus on your project with confidence.

  • Challenge 1: Limited resources
  • Maximizing existing networks can be challenging. Founders often grapple with the question of how to re-engage investors from previous rounds or those who've shown past interest, all while nurturing and strengthening these crucial relationships.

  • Solution: Revitalize relationships with Mulsan's proactive approach
  • We proactively handle all investor communications on your behalf, ensuring real-time updates on project developments and addressing investor concerns and feedback promptly.

  • Challenge 2: Challenges in re-engaging investors
  • The Client's current payment solutions are limited, hindering potential customer acquisition and growth opportunities.

  • Solution: Implementation of efficient crypto payment solutions
  • With our team you can develop and implement efficient cryptocurrency payment solutions to cater to a broader customer base. Integrate user-friendly crypto payment gateways and platforms, enabling the Client to tap into the expanding market of consumers who prefer or operate with cryptocurrencies.

  • Challenge 3: Ineffective communication strategies
  • Founders of startups may lack experience in investor relations practices, leading to challenges in crafting effective communication strategies.

  • Solution: Mulsan's guide to navigating clarity in investor communication
  • The Mulsan team brings extensive experience in investor relations, enabling us to craft a unique and effective communication strategy tailored to each specific case.

What is included in Mulsan’s IR services:
  • Communication strategy
  • Maintenance of a continuous dialogue with the investor pipeline, ensuring timely updates on project developments, and promptly addressing investor concerns and feedback
  • Assistance in preparing materials for effective communication
  • Extension of the potential investor pipeline through strategic networking beyond fundraising efforts